Sunday, June 6, 2010

The beast. The beauty. The dime.

Look baby, You fine. But your girlfriend's not.
Yea so can I get your ... DAMNNNN! Who is that? O_o
Heard this before? I'm sure you have.
Whether you be the ugly boochie that was pushed off to the side..
or that fine one he was talking to...

Whatever the case may be : ---> This shit happens all the time.

But have you guys/girls ever stopped to think about what really makes a person o_O?


Here we have @MiZzJOnEs82. #ForTheRecord, she offered herself up to do this.
Let's just say Ms.Jones is not exactly "an eye catcher". Automatically, she would be
looked past because she doesn't have glowing skin. Her face is a tad-bit round. She has a camera that takes bad quality pictures so she'll be bypassed.


Right here, we have @_TheD0LL . Let's just #PAUSE.
Fellas, what's the first thing you notice in her picture? Her lovely eyes right?
No. You noticed her breasts. Don't be ashamed. It's quite obvious.
However, her face and natural hair alone could be enough to make you want to have
unhealthy thoughts about her? Right or wrong?

Last, but for sure not least, you have @HighImReyna aka The Dime.
This is the female that steals the show right off the jump.
Long hair. Real jewels. Nice outfit. Pretty eyes. Clear skin.
And, she's light -___-.

Question : Do looks really matter though?

Should the decision of you wanting to be with a person be based on how good they look?
Granted if she looks bad, you don't want to be seen with her in public.
You couldn't imagine your self being physically attracted to her because her body's not on point
or because her face isn't what you would call gorgeous?

What about her intelligence though?
There's plenty of females who are "hurt" in the face but their intelligence is above average.
A girl could be dope as fuck, but do you really want a cute dumb boochie? O_o
(Not saying all pretty girls are dumb)

Then you have the typical --> her sex game must be on point because she's sexy.

Her vagina could feel like you throwing a hot dog in a hallway -- no walls.
Where as the ugly girl could have the bombest va-jay-jay you ever felt in your life.

And last but not least, her personality .
Personality should be the FIRST thing that comes across your mind, not looks.
A booch can be sexy but her self-centered ass attitude can make her ugly. Believe that.

My opinion: All of these girls are beautiful in their own distinct way.
I just used them as examples. Btw, those are their real twitter accounts.
Follow them.


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